Hugo Musa | Calgary, Canada
I want to thank Ocean Dental for the great services I had received last week.After seeing several dentists in Calgary Ab. I found out I needed 26 extractions and dentures .Then the real shock, $10,000.00 + dollars. I had a friend say go to Cancun Mexico. I started looking into this and after many hours of research I had decided on Ocean Dental. But still being nervous I had to decided to have my dentures done at home which in retrospect was a bad idea (not in a bad way my Denturist is fantastic and did a great job, as I wanted to make sure I had after care at home) To make a long story short after a few days enjoying Cancun my appointment day was coming up and I was scared/nervous if I had made the right decision. After their driver picked me up from my hotel and brought me to their office I encountered a waiting room of Canadians and Americans who either were starting their procedures or just ending them. After talking to many of them all my stress went out of the window from what they told me. I remember talking to a women who lived 45 minutes from home that had implants done and was just getting her new teeth put in and let me tell you they were fantastic. My turn in. All the equipment was modern clean just like my local dentist even better I thought , very professional staff completed my procedure I felt great they explained to me what I needed to do as if I were at home drove me back to my hotel. I tend to be long winded but I am already booking my next trip for implants and probably saving $25,000 + dollars and knowing that the work I will receive be top quality. Again thank you very much for all your work and look forward to see you in the next few months. Great job!!!
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