Richard Pullen | West Palm Beach, USA
I wanted to have an implant rather than the bridge my dentist suggested. The problem was a bone defect that required an oral surgeon and I could not afford the quoted fee. I chose Cancun due to it being so close to South Florida where I live and the price quoted for having this procedure done there. I am so very glad I went there.The facility is state of the art, the staff is very professional and pleasant. I have to return in May or June for the abutment and crowns. The amount I shall save on the abutment alone will pay for the flight. My wife shall be returning with me. She, too, needs dental work. The more dental work a person requires the greater will be their percentage of savings. Get your best quote from your local dentist and give them a call. I believe you shall be in for a surprise. There is no reason for a person to lose their teeth if they can afford a small percentage of what the fee would be at home. When you get there say hello for me to Maggi and Drs. Irma and Omar
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