Jim Lee - Crowns
This year was my 4th visit to Ocean Dental in 3 years . If you have questions ask me . On my 3rd &4th visit I brought my son with me . He has seen Dr Irma and Dr Caro . After his 1st visit he said can I come back next year because the work Dr Irma did doesn't bother him like the work he had done at home . It was painless and he didn't have a rubber jaw when she was finished with him. This year he came back and he had Dr. Caro. I asked him which doctor was better? He said dad that would be an unfair question. They have both done wonderful work on my teeth. I know that since Dr. Caro was close to his age that he got along with her very very well. He is pleased with all of his work from Ocean Dental. he has had his teeth whitened, 2-root canals ,two crowns ,4-filings and of course his teeth cleaned every year in Cancun. When I first showed up three years ago I was probably like a lot of you that may be reading this? I had never been to Mexico, I had brought cash with me, I was staying at a good hotel, and just as promised ocean devil pick me up at the airport with a sign in their hands. I felt like a VIP traveler at the airport. Since it was Saturday I was taken to my hotel I relaxed in the water until Monday when Dr. Irma went to work on me. When I showed up I had had problems at a dentist in Cincinnati. They actually wanted to pull all of my teeth and have me get dentures. Dr Irma couldn't figure out why I would want dentures? She said you have good teeth they just are not very pretty. I can fix that she said. She wrote up a plan with an estimate and handed it to me I put my initials on it and she went to work. I was going to need to implant screws and crowns along with two bridges in the front. A laser whitening a few feelings I have a big problem that was growing in my jaw . The next day she had an oral surgeon removed the cyst that had grown in my jaw . Truthfully that was the most discomfort I had an all four visits to Cancun. He did a very good job and removed it and believe me it really was not as painful as what they put me through when they removed the tooth in Cincinnati. I think I was in the chair for six days straight. I never went with the gap in my teeth or anything ugly that someone could see while I was staying in Cancun . Dr. Irma made be temporary bridges until I got mine at the end of the week. Fact is everyone at the hotel thought the temporaries look just fine. On the last day I have all of my bridges and one implant and crown finished. I had to heal up and two months later I came back for the implant screw to go into the hole where the cyst had removed. I returned in the implant screw was put in place in November. Four months later I returned and had my implant crown placed on the abutment. That is when I brought my son with me for the first time. Then this year in February we returned again. I needed a huge filling that was done eight years ago in Cincinnati replaced with a root canal and a crown. This year we made our trip for 10 days. On Saturday morning as planned we both hit the dentist office first thing in the morning. Simultaneously we both got our crowns and left Ocean Dental with smiles like we have never had before. My son turned me on Saturday night and said dad in all of my 34 years we have never had a better time than this trip together to Cancun this year. Can we please return again next year dad? Going to the dentist has never been a time like this before. So if you have any questions at all please feel free to ask me. I will even call you and talk to you on the phone if you would like. I'm not paid to say this Dr. Irma saved my smile for me to enjoy the rest of my life. Fact is I really never had one until three years ago. My teeth were horrible as far as I was concerned. Throughout my life no dentist want to do what she did for me
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