Paul Klimas | Glenwood Springs, CO, USA
I just completed a process that replaced four lost upper molars (all requiring sinus lifts) and one lost lower molar with implants and crowns. As the team was finishing this process, they noticed a loose canine tooth that my Colorado dentist had told me I was going to eventually lose. Team members promptly advised me that they could save that tooth with minor surgery and a properly designed crown. I agreed to that recommended additional procedure and, two days later, was fitted with the additional (loose) tooth saving crown. I have been very pleased with my total set of experiences with CDS and the resulting "new" teeth. The staff are well trained, use current technology and approaches not observed with my Colorado dentists, are customer-oriented, and provide their services for approximately 1/3 of the costs quoted by my Colorado dentists. In addition, my dental insurer (Delta Dental)has covered these treatments and paid their share of the costs. I highly recommend considering CDS for your future dental work.
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