Bruce Murray | Philadelphia, PA, USA
The idea of going to Mexico for dental restoration came about as a way of saving money. What you get at Ocean Dental Cancun may actually be better services than what we can get at home. First, they give more time to your work each day. Second, their lab is integrated into the practice, so I had an inlay, 4 implants and 2 crowns over teeth, one with a root canal, all completed over 4 days. Dr. Irma is leading a committed team of treatment and office professionals who work long days to give patients great service and results. After contacting 4 dental offices at home, and 15 in Mexico, it was only Ocean Dental Cancun Services that had the consideration and superior patient services department to special order implant parts, even though they had not put the implants in. No other office in either country would do this for me. And, I saved 65% on the dental costs. The team collaboration among the staff was something I have never seen, even during a career in health care in the USA. The need for a root canal was revealed mid-morning on a day of crown preparations. I had to wait only an hour to see the Endodontist, and then I got back with my restoration specialist, Dr. Cindell, who finished the 7 crown prep and impressions, all done in one day. The ride coordination was flawless with the transportation company. But, when my wife and I needed a ride to the airport on Sunday at 3 AM, the practice manager came from a wedding reception in his own car. Could you imagine service like that from your local dentist office?